Monday 29 December 2014

In this image I wanted a sci-fi effect, and I feel that I got this. The reason I went for this is because I was trying something different, I did this by layering 5 images and then enhancing the colour to give a pale effect for the image over all. I also tried to achieve a futuristic effect on this image by enhancing the shy detail and colour and i think that i did this well. (A3 size)

When I was taking this photo, I wanted a detailed sunset at the back of the house, the house was 60 years old and so I wanted a picture the showed the beauty of the house. I feel that the dark shadow of the trees with the crisp strong sunset complements the photo as a whole. I especially like the vibrant sunset behind as this compliments the image greatly. (A2 size)

For this image I used the same model 4 times, I did this to give a feeling that the model is everywhere in the image, I think that I accomplished this. I then decided to revert it to black and white, as a result I think that it works better than colour in this instance. (A3 size)

In this image I was going for strong vibrant colours that you can notice straight away. I layered several images to accomplish the crowded effect. The reason I did this is because I wanted a compact image that worked. I also went for a palace effect with all the people and the building at the back, i think i accomplished this well. (A2 size)

I was going for bold colours in this image, I was trying to make the model look slightly lost and lonely. I feel that overall the colours work well with the model and the feeling of the image. When taking the shot, I wanted the model to be crisp with no blur, I fee that I accomplished this. I also think that with the background it compliments the model well too. (A2 size)

When I captured this image, it was the only one that I captured because i wanted the perfect shot. The reason being I waited until the correct time of the day and then I took the shot. I really like the way this image turned out, and this is because I used colour enhance on Topaz to give a strong finish to the image. I also really like the reflection on the water, this gives the photo extra detail. (A3 size)

This image is very basic, however I like the boats on the left as the white shines through and adds to the picture. The sand curves to the right and I think that this adds direction the image. There is not much to the image, but the elements within it make this image successful. For example the blue sea, the hills in the background, added with the foreground elements (mentioned above) create a strong image. (A3 size)

I took this picture on a day out, this location is quite emotional because this graveyard has many young children buried within it. I didn't realise this until after I took the pictures, I decided to research the church when I got back home and what I found was sad. This image for me represents the lives lost throughout the years. I also photographed this location because there are soldiers from World War II buried there and so this makes the picture extremely emotional. (A3 size)

This is another sunset photo that I managed to capture, it is different in many ways to the other one. For example this sunset is more relaxing and easy to look at, the colours aren't as bold and the clouds have a moving theme to them and this is what makes the image for me. When taking this photo, I decided to wait until the sun and the clouds were in the prime position for the correct photo and I feel that I did this well. (A3 size)

I decided to photograph this location because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that this Seagull was following me around all the time on my photo shoot. I then decided to photograph it and it posed straight away. The second reason is that in the background there is a hill with messages made out of stones, this adds emotion to the picture because anyone can go up there to write a message in stones for a lost family member or friend etc, so for me this makes the picture worth the effort to capture for memories of lost individuals over the years. (A3 size)

This is another favourite of mine, this is because of the beauty of the landscape, and the fact that man has been there and left his mark. For instance there is a small structure in the middle of the image on the hill which has been left and just sits thereon this vast beautiful landscape. I also like the fence at the bottom that just shows that man has been there and messed with nature. I captured this image on the West Shore near Llandudno and I thought it would be a good location to perform a Photo shoot. I also wanted to show myself that I can perform straight photography without manipulating through Photoshop and I can. (A2 size)

I decided to take a portrait close up shot of this image to show some of the natural beauty of the hill structure. One feature I especially like is the wall at the bottom that slants diagonally upwards to the right. There is then a section to the right that is private so maybe this section is being preserved. This photo was also taken on the West shore, for me this shows the natural beauty in the world and it is worth protecting. (A3 size)

This picture was captured behind my house on the nature reserve, I especially like the three main colours within it. First you have the bottom of the image with the yellow, green, brown earthy colours, then to the right you have the green fields and then at the top of the image there is the beautiful pale sky leaning over the land below. (A3 size)

I really enjoy looking at this image because over the high intense colours. I over saturated this on purpose to get a strong vibrant bright colour effect. I think that it was successful in the sense that it worked. Another feature I particularly like are the two sheep just gazing away in to the distance and it makes me feel as if they are thinking adventurous thoughts and this adds a fantasy theme to the image as a whole. (A3 size)

When I was taking this photo, I really wanted to capture the strong powerful sunset, it was the main focus. I also tried to make sure that the reflection of the sunset on the sea was clearly visible, I feel that I thought about this well and the execution was good. The reason that I took this photo is because photographing sunsets is one of the parts to photography that I really enjoy, and so to capture this I was really happy. (A3 size)

This photo is very strong in colour within sections of the photo, the way that I received this out come is by manipulating the colours to make the elements in the photo crisp and to stand out. The reason I did this is to create a strong nature feel to the image. The part of the image that captures my attention is the bottom right section, there is a cordoned off piece, and I wonder why this has been done, maybe to keep some of the nature untouched by wondering people in the area because it is a preserved section. This makes the image stand out for me. (A3 size)

This photo was taken on a walk while in a nature reserve behind where I live, I was on my way back when I saw this little solitary tree swaying in the wind, when I capture the image it looked crisp and clear. I saturated it on Photoshop to make all the colours of the image more vibrant. When I look at this photo I get a sense that the little tree is lonely, it is sitting there on it's own, however I get another feeling that this tree is free because there are no other trees crowding it. For me all these little points make the image successful for me. (A3 size)

This creation consists of two images that have been layered together, saturated, hue and gamma correction and manipulation of brightness and contrast. I did this as an experiment to see what the outcome would look like, and to see if it would be successful. After long experimentation I feel that the photo does work, I decided to do this because I wanted to push myself and my imagination to see what I can produce, and I am happy with the result. (A3 size)

With this image I really wanted to push the barriers in terms of Using Photoshop and development, this image consists of 5 images layered together, changes in contrast, brightness hue and saturation. When I saw the outcome I was very happy with it, and this is because the theme I was going for was a Californian style and I think I accomplished this well. (A3 size)

This is one of I favourite photos out of the selection I have chosen, and the reason for this is that you can see what man has done to the environment, what I mean by this is that nature is right there on the edge and then there are shops, waste and work cabins surrounding the beauty of nature. For me this is like new topographics in the sense that the cause man has on nature with his industrial intrusions. I like how I have captured just a small amount of this in one of my pictures. (A2 size)